Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Love and Money

There are 2 most powerful things in our world.. n that would be "Money & Love"  here are the differences:

Money talks..Love whispers..
Money builds houses..Love builds homes..
Money rules the world..Love protects..
Money is the power..Love is strong..
Money creates gap between rich n poor..Love creates bridge between them..
Money creates huge brick walls for all differences among all of us..Love breaks through the wall n makes we're all united..
Money creates wars n crimes..Love creates peaceful harmony..

So they are...Money is always the reason behind all existence..Love is always the answer of all existence..
So be Grateful when u're received Love more than money
Money is important...Yet it would be nothing without LOVE

GOD is Love.

Sent from my HinoBerry®

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