Selasa, 30 Maret 2021
Senin, 29 Maret 2021
Minggu, 28 Maret 2021
Perjalanan panjang...jangan menyerah!
The journey will be LONG.
The journey will be ROUGH.
The journey will be TIRING.
The journey will be CHALLENGING.
The journey will PUSH you.
You can either suffer the pain of CHANGE or suffer the pain of staying the SAME.
#tech #startups
Mulai dengan hal-hal kecil..
"You Don't Start With 100 Million Users.
You Start With A Few.
So Stop Thinking Big, And Start Thinking Small."
- Reid Hoffman -
#Business #InspirationalQuotes #MotivationalQuotes #Startup #Entrepreneurship
Quotes by Michael Jordan
"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.
I've lost almost 300 games.
26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."
–Michael Jordan
#startups #startupquotes
Kunci sukses ..untuk menang dalam bisnis!
To succeed in business today, you need to be FKEXIBLE and have GOID PLANNING and ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS.
#TuesdayTips #Success #Goals #TuesdayThoughts #Entrepreneurs
Perlu kolaborasi antara Visi vs Orang!
"Great VISION without great PEOPE is irrelevant."--Jim Collins
#startups #vision #quotes
Tiap saat ..kita bisa bangun bisnis...
"Any time is a GOOD TIME to "START" a company." –Ron Conway, Noted Startup Investor, SV Angel
Kunci sukses ...
"The secret to successful hiring is this:
look for the people who WANT to change the world." –Marc Benioff, Salesforce CEO
Quotes by Jack Ma
"NEVER give up.
Today is HARD...
tomorrow will be WORSE...
but the day after tomorrow will be SUNSHINE" - Jack Ma, Alibaba
#startup #startupquote #quotes #idea #motivation #sunshine #strugglehustle
A good CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE means your customers will SPEND MORE!
86% of buyers are willing to PAY MORE for a great customer experience.
The more expensive the item, the more they are willing to pay, according to research from PwC.
#CustomerSuccess #CX
Pentingnya membangun KOMUNIKASI dgn CUSTOMER
Building a CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP is important.
It helps to build TRUST and LOYALTY to your BRAND.
#marketingtools #marketingstrategy #marketingconsultant #digitalmarketingexpert
Mau cepat...atau hadilnya lebih jauh...pilihan ditangan-mu!
If you want to go FAST, go ALONE
if you want to go FAR, go TOGETHER
#Startup #Quote #StartupQuote #Innovation #Fintech #AfricanProverb #Proverb #DigitalTransformation
Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021
Kamis, 11 Maret 2021
Indonesia bisa!
Peran teknologi...dan juga kesadaran untuk lakukan RESEARCH agar masalah plastik bisa juga bermanfaat.
Ini bukti kalo bangsa Indonesia..
juga punya VISI untuk memanfaatkan Limbah Plastik..
Maju trus...Indonesia-ku..
Peran Social Media untuk media penjualan..
Banyak yg bertanya : Perusahaan sydan punya Social Media...tapi kok blom ada hasil penjualan?
Saya, analogikan sbb:
Sama seperti kita "MENGAJARI" anak-anak kita cara mengendarai sepeda.. kita perlu MENGAJARI paracustomer cara "menavigasi" Sosial Media...
Dunia FISIK mirip dengan dunia VIRTUAL dalam banyak kasus.
Sehingga, semuanya tidak bisa instan. Perlu proses..
Digitial quote
SOCIAL MEDIA mengubah cara kita "BERKOMUNIKASI" dan cara kita dipandang.
Baik secara positif maupun negatif.
Setiap kali Anda memposting foto, atau memperbarui status Anda....
maka Anda berkontribusi pada "JEJAK DIGITAL" dan merek pribadi Anda sendiri.
Minggu, 07 Maret 2021
Merger Line dan Yahoo..
Persaingan makin ketat...dan tentu, dlm bisnis perlu SINERGY...krn keterbatasa SDM dan juga Teknologi...jg terkait pasar yg sama.
Dan yg sekarang adalah antara,Line dgn Yahoo..
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